Mayfield Swimming Pool opening photo from Lost Newcastle member Katrina O'Connor

Mayfield Swimming Pool opening photo from Lost Newcastle member Katrina O’Connor


Mayfield Pool – BHP’s Gift to City – Officially opened Saturday 12/11/66 @ 2.30pm. Distinguished guests are from L – R; Seated behind speaker is Alderman Mr Frank Purdue; Sir Ian McLennan Chief General Manager of BHP; Lord Mayor D G McDougall & Mr R Coulton General Manager BHP; At time of opening admission fees were 30c per adult; 5c per child; Cost approx. $160K to construct; Holds 300,000 gallons of water; 165′ long; 50′ wide.



  1. Chris Balalovski

    It was a boy from a Macedonian family known to me.

  2. Symon James

    I have it on good authority, and sadly too I must say that a boy drowned on the day they opened Mayfield pool, apparently it was so packed and hectic that they didn’t notice him.


    Symon James

    • Bob bennett

      I thought it was a girl was at the opening. And i was 8 but could be wrong but always believed it was a girl in the kiddies pool


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