Whibayganba – the story of Nobbys HeadlandWhibayganba - the story of Nobbys Headland. Documentary by Stories of Our Town.Read More
Oh Buoy!Oh buoy! How did a huge steel harbour buoy find its way to a paddock in Brunkerville?Read More
Newcastle 1899In June 2018, Ross Balderson shared a photo in the Lost Newcastle Facebook Group of a scale ...Read More
MV KooringaDid you know the world's first purpose-built container ship was built in Newcastle? MV ...Read More
Princess of TasmaniaThe Princess of Tasmania was a lifeline for people living on the island state and mainland ...Read More
Newcastle Coal Fields 1866 – April Postcard 2023Newcastle as we know it today was founded on coal - the 'black diamond' first mined by ...Read More
Wreck of the Coaling Brig VictorMariners described the port of Newcastle as a ‘hellhole’ with over 200 vessels having been ...Read More
The ‘Pasha Bulker’ Storm – June 2007The 2007 Newcastle storms and floods caused over $1.6 billion in damage, thousands of homes ...Read More
Leading Light or Beacon TowersNewcastle has its very own castle turret on top of The Hill in the form of the Leading Light ...Read More
The Wreck of the AdolpheThe French barque Adolphe is just one of many shipwrecks that litter the entrance to Newcastle ...Read More
Henry Martin – Victoria Lifeboat crew memberFrom Lost Newcastle member, Robyn Jeffries: Pleased to be able to share - my great great ...Read More