Whibayganba – the story of Nobbys HeadlandWhibayganba - the story of Nobbys Headland. Documentary by Stories of Our Town.Read More
Oh Buoy!Oh buoy! How did a huge steel harbour buoy find its way to a paddock in Brunkerville?Read More
Newcastle 1899In June 2018, Ross Balderson shared a photo in the Lost Newcastle Facebook Group of a scale ...Read More
Princess of TasmaniaThe Princess of Tasmania was a lifeline for people living on the island state and mainland ...Read More
100 years of the Australian Wire Rope WorksToday the Australian Wire Rope Works at Mayfield - now known as Bekaert Australia - marks 100 ...Read More
Brewery Employees Picnic 1905Newcastle Brewery Employees Picnic at Tomago 1905 - fabulous photo taken by Ralph Snowball. ...Read More
BHP – STORIES OF OUR TOWN DOCUMENTARYIf you grew up in Newcastle, then you’re probably connected to the BHP story. In 1959, one in ...Read More
Victoria TheatreBuilt in the 1870's, the Victoria Theatre on Perkins Street in Newcastle is the oldest theatre ...Read More